67th Liberation Celebration
When: July 23, 2011
Where: Woodland Park, Pope Army Airfield, NC
(located near the Shoppette on Armistead St)
Note: Non-military personnel must enter through All-American Processing point. All personnel 17yrs and above must possess a photo ID to gain access to Ft Bragg.
Time: 1200-1900
How much? We do not charge, we only ask for donations of whatever you can provide. We have been recommending that families traveling from out of town bring water and desserts.
Point of Contact: George Carr 910.868.3453
Inquiries can also be obtained by emailing to
mca.publicaffairs@gmail.com or find us on Facebook.
Just promoting and marketing my website. Checkout http://www.hafabrowndesigns.com
Contact: 707-592-6701