Guam Events is now promoting ALL Chamoru Events!  If you have an event you would like Chamorus to know about,  please let us know the date, time, point of contact, how much, where, and when.

What type of events do you mean?  Fiesta’s, wedding, christenings are some examples, but whatever it is let us know and we will post it.  It’s Free!

Any other other helpful information is appreciated too.  What other type of information?  If there is a parking fee for example, this would be helpful to know.

Si Yu’os Ma’ase!

One thought on “Guam Events

  1. Josh, When is the San Diego Liberation picnic at Admiral Bakers Field? Finalizing the Kalendarion Inetnon Chamorro-San Diego (provided by the Santa Teresita Mangilao Foundation); ready to release final update…next one in June. Will place a tentative date…July 23, and amend when official date is confirmed. Thank you and Si Yu’os Ma’ase.

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