Port Hueneme, CA

Port Hueneme, CA

Port Huenem, CA

Guam’s 70th Liberation Day

When? July 19th, 2014

Bolles Field Park Bldg 1401
1000 23rd Ave, Port Hueneme, CA

Time? 10am-6pm

How much? POT-Luck, so bring a side dish

Entertainment will be provided.


Pete & Marian Arceo 805-485-0912
James & Norma Creech 805-383-3127 – Base Access
Ed & Briend Diaz 805-312-1728
Greg Gamboa 805-276-5879 – Base Access List
Joe & Julie Tedtaotao 805-488-4852

Base access requirements are to be completed in order to enter. Contact James Creech or Greg Gamboa.

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