Hafa Adai Guam! Here is a great community service program to revitalize Guam Veterans Cemetery. See flyer for details.

Please share to let everyone know about this community service program. Si yu’os ma’ase!
Please share link below with friends and familia <3
Homecoming invitation to more than 150,000 potential Guamanians residing in the U.S. Mainland.
• United Airlines, Guam’s hometown airline in partnership with Guam Visitors Bureau to commemorate and celebrate Guam’s 80th Liberation Day anniversary in July 2024.
• Target 150K Guamanians/Micronesians residing stateside.
– Target 2.5% of this population (close to 4K)
• Travel Period: July 1, 2024 to August 15, 2024. Travel must be completed by August 15, 2024.
• Ticketing Period: April 15 to June 1, 2024
• Market: U.S. (includes Hawaii) to Guam
• Distribution Channel: Ticketed by Guam City Ticketing Office
CLICK HERE to complete a short form and to receive more information on how you can get up to 30% off your roundtrip airfare to Guam to celebrate the 80th Guam Liberation!
Hafa Adai! If you will be attending the Pacific Island Festival aka PIFA this weekend September 22nd and 23rd, at Ski Beach San Diego, you can preorder some Pak Pak and pick it up at the GuamLiberation.com Snack Shack food booth. It’s $30 for a 5lb bag or $50 per case which is 2 x 5lb bags. This is for Pick Up only. Continue reading
Here is the official 2018 GuamLiberation.com Shirt.
Mens & Womens Shirts Available and shipping is free. Yes; We ship to Guam too. Si yu’os ma’ase! Continue reading
Hafa Adai! Come on out to our first Brunch Fundraiser at the Guam Club presented by GuamLiberation.com on June 24, 2018. Continue reading
Hita! We, Us… Continue reading