Ft Belvoir, Virginia 75th Guam Liberation
Presented by Guam Society of America

Potluck Fiesta
Saturday, July 13, 2019
Castle Park, 10155 Johnston Road, Fort Belvoir, Virginia
What to bring: Please bring (2)2-litre bottles of soda or case of water along with your potluck dish to contribute to main table for all visitors, family and friends to enjoy. If you are bringing meats for the BBQ, please bring it freshly defrosted No Later Than 10am so it can be cooked by the BBQ Crew and ready for the opening of the table at 12pm. Please bring folding chairs, pop-up tents and tables and a committee member will direct you to a location to setup in the park.
Vendors email gsainfo.guam@gmail.com by 7/10/17
Entertainment contact Therese Quinata 301-525-4402
PLEASE READ: If you do not have access to base, please contact 703-565-4712 to provide information so you can be added to base access list. Information must be received NO LATER THAN JUNE 24, 2019.