9th Annual Guam Liberation – San Diego – Family

9th Annual Guam Liberation San Diego
SD Liberation Flier
When: July 21st
Where: Admiral Baker – Pavilion by the Pool.
2400 Admiral Baker Road San Diego, CA 92120
(619) 556-5525 is the park phone number if you get lost.
What time: 9am-5pm
How much? FREE!

No Pets. No Glass. Bring Food!

Si Yu’us Ma’ase!
Josh Borja

PS- Here is a video from last year’s Liberation. Enjoy!

Guam Liberation San Diego 2011

It’s official. The Guam Liberation Day in San Diego will be on July 23rd. Same place, good times, different day, same time! 10am-5pm.

Where:Admiral Baker
When: July 23rd
How much? It’s FREE!
What should I bring? A side dish, drinks (no glass bottles)
What Time? 10am-5pm
Entertainment will be provided.

Call Josh if you have any questions. 619-250-1880

Si Yu’us Ma’ase!

San Diego, California Guam Liberation 2010

Hafa Adai and Hello!  Everyone is invited to The Biggest BBQ in San Diego!!!

* When: July 24th, 2010
* Where: 2400 Admiral Baker Rd, San Diego, CA 92120
The cross street is Friars Rd & Santo Rd
* What time: 10am-4pm
* How much?  Dollar Three Fifty per Plate.  Haha!  Or is it better to say Dollar FREE Fifty!!! 😉   Please bring a dish or drinks.  No Glass!  The FOOD has always been donated by the people.
* Contact Person:  Joshua T. Borja   Tweet Guam Liberation what you want to donate, because the more the merrier. 😀  Cell:619.250.1880

Si Yu’us Ma’ase!  or Thank You!

San Diego Guam Liberation 2009

Where: 2400 Admiral Baker Rd, San Diego, CA 92120
The cross street is Friars Rd & Santo Rd

Date: July 26th, 2009

Time: 10am-5pm

Food:  All donated!  Contact Josh at 619-250-1880 to donate because the more the merrier! 🙂

It’s FREE and entertainment will be provided.

If you would like to support, feel free to contact us at GuamLiberation@gmail.com.  Thank you!

If you would like to help contribute to the menu, you may either choose from the menu below, or contact us if you want to bring something else.

Meat: BBQ meat, Fried Chicken, Pot Roast, Ham, Roasted Pig, Beef & Broccoli, Fish

Various: Red Rice, Fina dene, Shrimp patties, Lumpia, Empanada, Tatiyas, Escabetche, Bread rolls,
Mosiyas, Sushi, Tamales

Salads: Chicken or Beef Kelaguen, Pancit, Potatoe Salad, Cucumber/ Daigo salad, Mac salad,
Kim chee, Hagun Suni

Deserts: Velvet cake, Pecan tarts, Pies, fruit salad, cheese cake, Rice crispies, Banana donuts, Latiyas

Drinks: Sodas, Beer (no glass bottles), water

Paper Products: Plates, forks, spoons, napkins

Restrictions to the park:
*No glass bottles
*No pets