Category Archives: San Diego, CA
San Diego, CA
San Diego, CA

Please RSVP though our FB event by click on this link https://fb.me/e/1UaRqNJln, so we know we have enough food for everyone. Si yu’os ma’ase!
San Diego, CA
San Diego, CA
San Diego, California
Presented by GuamLiberation.com
When: July 21st, 2018
San Diego, CA
14th Annual Fiesta Celebrated in San Diego, CA
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Brought to you by the Chamorro People Continue reading
San Diego, CA
72nd Guam Liberation
13th Annual Fiesta brought to you by the Chamorro People
When: Saturday – July 23rd, 2016 Continue reading
Liberation Queen San Diego
San Diego, CA
When: July 25th, 2015 Continue reading