Please RSVP though our FB event by click on this link https://fb.me/e/1UaRqNJln, so we know we have enough food for everyone. Si yu’os ma’ase!
Please RSVP though our FB event by click on this link https://fb.me/e/1UaRqNJln, so we know we have enough food for everyone. Si yu’os ma’ase!
Hi. My Uncle from Arizona had shared this with me. He and my Auntie plan to attend it this weekend. I am unable to find information if the food will be free or if its a potluck like the Fiestas back home in Guam. Please get back to me soon so I can share this information with them.
Hafa Adai,
This fiesta event is free but side dishes, desserts and drinks are always welcome. As it is on Guam, our Chamorro ways still lives on forever. Familia here in San Diego may have left the island but we never forget where we are from. The cultural ways is centered at the heart of our Island of Guam. We hope to see you there.